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Our New Charity Partner: The W-Underdogs Rescue

The coolest part about being a solopreneur is that I get to make the rules! 

PocoPet is the best travel dog carrier around - AND we're a brand on a mission.

When we launched in May 2019, I knew this company could do so much good in the world.

Our products help pets & their people live happy lives together, side by side...  and we help pets find their forever homes!

For every order shipped,
we donate a meal to a shelter animal

So when I surfed across the W-Underdog Rescue in Atlanta, GA last year, I stopped in my tracks.


The more I read about this groundbreaking group with a big heart, the bigger the smile on my face grew.

I fell in love with their animal rescue work AND their greater mission:

The W-Underdogs organization empowers youth in underserved communities to discover their voices and teaches them the value of compassion toward animals and people.

Start with the Kids

Children in underfunded and marginalized communities can often be at a disadvantage from the very beginning: less funding for schools, food deserts, parents working multiple jobs to stay afloat, higher rates of police interactions - to name just a few of the challenges these kids often face.

And let's be honest: underfunded communities are often where Black citizens and People of Color live, as a result of generations of redlining and gentrification, along with other racist economic policies.

Founding an animal rescue - with the guiding purpose of teaching children actionable life skills to help them rise up and claim their power - well, I just want to cheer on the W-Underdogs with my whole heart!

Sharing the Love

The W-Underdogs are now PocoPet's charity of choice. For every order shipped, we'll donate a meal to their precious rescue pups.


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Our future is filled with so much wonder, joy, and love. These kids, teens, and young leaders who we support, encourage, and guide will become tomorrow’s doctors, nurses, veterinarians, police officers, community advocates, and social justice leaders for all life here learns to respect and fight for those most vulnerable and that all lives matter and deserve protection. To us learning to value all life at a young age teaches them so much more about love, equality, and peace. We only wish the world to slow down and put children first above everything and encourage nurturing and service for those less fortunate. @thewunderdogs mission is for a better world delivering compassion and inspiring a better way. ⠀ We welcome to our pack 9 new puppies that will know only love and will never be bred for profit and then discarded and never live on a chain. ⠀ #wunderdogstotherescue #kidssavedogsdogssavekids #crueltystopshere #crueltystopswithme #whatsyourpawprint #fosteringsaveslives

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Follow the W-Underdogs on their journey:


- Jenn

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